What we're about
Just so you know, we’re not the irritating type… instead, we’re dead set on soothing and improving your skin from head to toe.

As a fun bunch with easily-irritated skin that can react to almost anything, we’re fed-up with the crock that the skincare industry has become… from ingredient trends to broken promises and breakouts – skincare shouldn’t be this confusing!
Healthy skin needs to be nourished by nature and backed by science, without fear of a skin freak-out.
That’s why we created A Bit Hippy. We peacefully protest for easy to use, affordable skin, hair and body care that won’t make you or your skin react.
Why We Are Called “A Bit Hippy”...

A throwback to the 1960’s generation of non-conformists aka Hippies, we too refuse to conform to high cost, all show no go, and just plain confusing skincare products. Ever walk into a store and just stare at the shelves like, WHAT am I supposed to buy now!? And still have no idea what you just bought or if it is right for you? Us too!
So, our mission is to provide skincare solutions that are easy on your; skin, budget and mind. Breaking it down to only necessary, vegan-friendly, plant derived and clean ingredients. Offering products formulated with evidence based scientific research (not just hip hype), that are simple to add to or update your daily routine (and a few extras ‘cause you deserve a pamper sesh too!).
Irritation Free Skin or Your Money Back
Backing Up What We Stand For – 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
We are prepared to stand up for what we believe in and back all the above up with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Meaning if you react to or just don’t think our products are amazeballs, then we will give you your money back, hassle-free, within 30 days of purchase.
Hmm, made for sensitive skin, but some things contain Essential Oils?!
It’s absolutely unfortunate that some people have allergies to some essential oils (and in general some ingredients). While essential oils can be irritating, when they are in a very low dose and mixed with carrier ingredients many of them are okay for your skin - as long as you’re not allergic to that specific plant.
Only a handful of our products contain essential oils. We choose to use a low dose of the least sensitising essential oils and tested these formulations on our sensitive skinned selves, family and friends. The only real reason we’ve added these oils to SOME of our products is to mask the smell of a few plant ingredients that we’ve been told can smell like a wet dog... cute but yucky!
SO, if you experience any redness, tingling, or rash after applying one of our creams you may have an allergy to an essential oil (or other ingredient) and we are happy to stick by our guarantee and returns policy, giving you a refund and recommending another product that may be more suitable for you. Just get in touch with us - we’re friendly, promise!

Skincare that cares for your skin and the planet.
As society has evolved our needs for things have grown, and with all ‘things’ there is inevitably an element of waste. Sustainability is on the tip of everyone's tongue, and something we are working at to continually improve how we can manage our ingredient sourcing, production and end-use waste.
It’s a big thing, so big it’s difficult to cover every part on this page, so we’ve gone into more detail about our sustainability efforts over here. Some new things we’ve introduced are things like plastic tubes made from sugarcane, labels made from ground stone, recyclable shipping containers & labels and lowering carbon emissions by manufacturing our products locally.